Manual therapy training : rebalancing the body
If you are looking for a manual therapy training to complete your practice, the Bounine Method Osteotherapy is directed to health care professionals looking to expand their range of manual therapy techniques. Nicolas Bounine, founder of the method, has been training certified practitioners in Bounine Method Osteotherapy since 2012.
The integration of the method into a global approach of patient care, is based on rigorous and proven methodology in order to significantly improve efficiency and sustainability of care.
Founded on forty years of research, carried out on high level sports people and on general patients, the Bounine Method Osteotherapy allows for care requiring only slight mobilisation and no manipulation. This characteristic grants it the potential to be benefited by unlimited patients: from the new-born to the elderly, the method is universal.
The initial training of the Bounine Method Osteotherapy is spread over four seminars of two consecutive days for each module. If you are interested, here is everything you need to know.
The pelvis : the key to the balance in the body
40 years of therapeutic practice (in physiotherapy, osteopathy, méthode Mézières, kinesiology and reflexology) and research, revealed to Nicolas Bounine the limitations of certain approaches when treating bone, joint and muscular structures in the body.
Why are such treatments not sustainable over time ? Why is pain in the body recurring ?
His major discovery is that 100% of patients who come to the first consultation and 100% of practitioners who come to train have an unbalanced pelvis.
The balance of the pelvis is never treated to its rightful level of importance. It is, however, the key to understanding pain in the back and in the body overall. It is also the key to finding the harmony of its physiology. Nicolas Bounine’s approach brings the structural essence of the human beings’ balance through his therapeutic actions.
The method he has developed on high level sports athletes is innovative and measurable, and bears sustainable results over time. Its added value also resides in its integrative dimension and in the fact that it is totally part of a prevention approach. It is now taught within the frame of manual therapy trainings.
The distinctiveness of the Bounine Method : a shift in paradigm
Understanding what the Bounine Method Osteotherapy is and what differentiates it within the framework of other taught manual therapies is explained by three major changes :
- First change of medical paradigm : the basis of the body is the pelvis and not the feet. It is first and foremost an innovative methodology as it approaches the patient in a seated position to carry out the medical check-up. The therapist works on the bone tissue to de-program the installed unbalance and to rebalance the pelvis as it originally was.
- Second shift in paradigm : the ilio-cranium concept applied to the protocol of care. It is the work carried out on the 2 illiac pillars which will allow the bodily structure to erect itself once again in a dynamic balance. The craniosacral work which osteopathy teaches will thus come into itself.
- The third innovative paradigm is the restoring of the memory dynamics of the body. Bones, being the real hard disk of our existence, will be freed from their traumatic memory.
The course of a session
At the outset, the check-ups are carried out in a measurable manner in a seated position first, followed by a standing position. Measuring tools have been created to that effect; heel pieces of 5mm, 7.5mm and 10mm. They will allow for a precise study of the unbalance of the pelvis.
The practitioner will then carry out the treatment on the bone tissue by means of long pressures in seated and lying down positions. No manipulations nor mobilisations will be carried out during the course of the session. The body will then reveal its extraordinary capacity to recover the initial pelvic shape by itself.
This new regained foundation will then enable the practitioner to approach musculoskeletal disorders, pains and aches in the back as well as those found in the upper and lower limbs. The patient will need between 2 to 3 sessions during the first year (depending on the severity of the pelvic imbalance) followed by a yearly session as prevention.
The training workshops for the Bounine™ Method Osteotherapy
The full Bounine Method Osteotherapy training is carried out over four modules of 17 hours, representing a total of 68 hours of training in total, spread over 6 months on average. Each module of this manual therapy training takes place in two consecutive day workshops. The course and exchanges which take place address the following topics :
- Course 1 : The origins of the method, principles of POM (Potural Osteotendon aponeurotic Massage), the pelvis
- Course 2: The pelvis, the back and the lower limbs.
- Course 3 : The pelvis, the back and the upper limbs
- Course 4 : Revisions, experience sharing, nutritional hygiene, life hygiene and issuing of the Bounine Method Osteotherapy certificate. Each course costs 500€ amounting to a total of 2000€. The training sessions are carried out mainly in Paris but also regionally for France. Projects for certain European countries and North America are underway.
Which therapists can do the training ?
The Bounine Method manual therapy training is open to health care professionals working in a field deemed to be pertinent, such as :
- Fasciatherapists
- Physiotherapists
- Nurses
- Massage therapists
- Doctors
- Osteopaths
- Chiropodists
- Reflexologists
- Midwives
The diploma and post-certification follow up
At the end of the 4th module of the manual therapy training, Nicolas Bounine will deliver a diploma to the newly trained practitioners. They will then become members of the Bounine™Method Osteotherapists Network.
In addition to the initial training, membership to the Bounine™ Method Osteotherapists Network enables the certified therapists who so wish, to have a follow up after their training. It also enables them to take part in further training. This post certification follow up is the condition for them to be included in the certified practitioners official directory, renewed every January.
Registering for the Bounine Method manual therapy training
If you would like to take part in our courses and become a certified Bounine™ Method Osteotherapy certified practitioner don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for further information and to find out the dates of our next courses in France, in Europe and on the other side of the Atlantic. Our inscription forms are available upon request by email to the following email address: