Osteotherapy Training Bounine Method
Duration of the Training
Complete formula with Certificate: 8 days in 4 two days courses, i.e. 56 hours.
Partial formula (no certificate): Choosing one of our 2 days courses a la carte, the first course being a pre-requisite in this case. (Obtention of the Méthode Bounine® Certificate if the 4 courses are successfully completed)
Cost of Training
Complete formula with Certificate: 760€ per course (3.040€ total) - special offer of 2.700€ for all 4 courses purchased together (10% discount) i.e. 675€ per course. The offer is applicable to individual contracts, not to the OPCO contracts.
Partial formula (no certificate): 1st course: 790€. Other courses (2, 3 or 4): 760€ each.
Training schedule
Sessions are organized in 4 courses of 2 week days and weekend days: Wednesday and Thursday / Friday and Saturday / Saturday and Sunday
Courses 1 - 2 and 3 take place one month apart.
The internship calendar is available on request at: formation@methodebounine.com
How to register
Please send a request for a file to: formation@methodebounine.com
The registration is recorded upon receipt of the registration file and the professional agreement duly completed, signed and accompanied by the payment of the deposit of 250€. The file is to be sent by mail to : BKW (Formation Méthode Bounine) 40, rue du Mont Valérien 92210 Saint-Cloud
Payment on account can be made by cheque payable to BKW or by bank transfer to :
RIB - 30004 / 00337 / 00010120940 / 66
IBAN - FR76 3000 4003 3700 0101 2094 066
A confirmation of registration will be sent to you with the detailed training program.
Further information
Declaration of activity as a training provider in accordance with the provisions of Article L.6351-6 of the Labour Code, registered under number 11 92 18834 92 with the Prefect of the Ile de France region
The Bounine Method is a registered and protected trademark
(INPI/ N° 11 3 834 160 / 25 May 2011. Publication n°11/24 Vol. I of 17 June 2011)
Bounine Method osteotherapy is also registered and protected
(INPI/ N°11 3 849 693/ 29 July 2011. Publication n°11/33 Vol. I of 19 August 2011)
SAS Méthode Bounine with capital of 10 000€ - 750 937 179 RCS NANTERRE – SIRET: 750 937 179 00018 – APE: 85 59A
Pedagogical Programm
This first workshop offers a global approach to the BounineⓇ Method and teaches its theoretical and practical foundations. It is divided into three sections:
- Introduction to the genesis of the method and its fundamentals:
- Bone tissue
- The ilio-cranial concept
- Scientific approach to the method: measurable assessments of the body's imbalance
- Presentation of tools for measuring imbalance
- Balance of the pelvis.
- Learning the Osteo-tendino-aponeurotic Postural Massage(OPM):
- Its principles
- Methodology
- Balance of the pelvis’ workshops:
- Application of OPM on the pelvis, first practical approach to the method between participants and study of clinical cases
- Assessment and identification of bone points to be worked on the iliacs, sacrum and coccyx
- Three-stage stimulation of the EIPS (Posterior Superior Iliac Spine)
At the end of this first workshop, participants will be in a position to start integrating the tools for pelvis imbalance diagnosis into their practice.
Workshop 2 enables participants to revisit the foundations taught during Workshop 1, and to assess the therapists' initial experiences. It will then be devoted to continuing to learn the method, with particular emphasis on the spine and cranium. The following topics are covered:
- Review of OPM's lessons on the pelvis, applied to the spine, back and cranium.
- Assessment and treatment techniques for the spine:
- Review of the assessment and application of techniques on the sacrum and coccyx
- Assessment and identification of bone points to be treated on the vertebrae
- Techniques for releasing the 3 vertebral levels: lumbar, dorsal and cervical
- Cervico-dorsal hinge
- Treatment of lumbar, dorsal and cervical pain
- 3. Assessment and treatment techniques for the skull and face:
- Review of the ilio-cranial concept and ophthalmic balance
- Assessment and techniques for freeing the bones of the skull
- Gnathology, occlusal balance and temporomandibular articulation
- Study of clinical cases study and demonstration of treatment on a patient.
- Practical workshops between participants and round table discussion
Workshop 3 allows participants to revisit the fundamentals taught in Workshop 1, and to assess the therapists' initial experiences. It will then be devoted to continuing learning the method, with particular emphasis on the lower limbs. The following subjects will be covered:
- Review of OPM lessons on the pelvis, applied to the lower limbs
- Assessments and treatment techniques for the hip and knee.
- Treatment techniques:
- Peripheral lower limb neuralgia: cruralgia and sciatica
- Adult pathologies of the pelvis and lower limbs: sacroiliitis, psoitis, pubalgia and gluteal tendinitis
- Traumatological and rheumatological pathologies: sprains and tendonitis
- Assessment and treatment techniques for traumatic and post-operative sequelae: hip, knee, ankle, foot
- Clinical reasoning and demonstration of treatment on a patient
- Practical workshops between participants and round table discussion
Workshop 4 enables participants to revisit the fundamentals taught in Workshop 1, and to assess the therapists' initial experiences. It will then be devoted to continuing to learn the method, with particular emphasis on the upper limbs. The following topics are covered:
- 1. Review of OPM lessons on the pelvis, applied to the upper limbs
- Assessment and treatment techniques:
- Shoulder (in connection with the pelvis)
- Elbow, wrist and hand
- Treatment techniques:
- Peripheral neuralgia of the upper limb: cervico-brachial neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome;
- Upper limb pathologies: tendonitis, shoulder periarthritis, tennis and golf elbow, de Quervain's syndrome.
- Study of clinical cases and demonstration of treatment on a patient
- Practical workshops between participants and a round table discussion
The training in Méthode Bounine® manual therapy is divided into four workshops, available as a full or partial package:
Full formula with certification: Participation in the 4 workshops and obtention of the Méthode Bounine® certification.
Non-certifying partial formula : A la carte participation in one or more of the workshops. Validation of workshop 1 is a prerequisite for attending the other modules. If the participant finally attends all 4 workshops and passes the exams, he or she will obtain the Méthode Bounine® certification
At the end of each workshop, an examination will validate the corresponding training. Participants must pass all four exams before they can be certified and receive their diploma in Bounine Method® Osteotherapy.
Membership of the "Réseau des Ostéothérapeutes Méthode BounineⓇ" enables certified therapists who so wish to receive support after their training. It allows them to take part in advanced training courses as well as consultation days with Nicolas Bounine. Members of the network also have exclusive access to weekday and weekend webinars, news and newsletters relating to the method. They are listed in the directory of Méthode Bounine® Practitioners.